Earth Commission
The Earth Commission is a global team of scientist with the mission to define a safe and just corridor for people and planet. It is co-chaired by Johan Rockström, Joyeeta Gupta and Dahe Qin, and supported by five working groups on:
- Earth and human systems modelling
- Biosphere interactions
- Nutrients and pollution
- Transformations
- Translation and methods
Since 2019 I have been supporting the Earth Commission by setting up its working groups (particularly 2 and 3) and leading the integration task force. It is been an exciting journey to work side by side with some of the lead scientist on the field, people from the social, natural sciences and humanities. We have had difficult but enriching discussions, and despite a pandemic, I believe we have made a great deal of progress. Below you find a list of publications related to the commission.
The Earth Commission is hosted by Future Earth, the world’s largest network of sustainability scientists, and is the scientific cornerstone of the Global Commons Alliance. As part of my role at the commission, I also served for one year on the advisory board of the Science Based Targets Network, a group of NGOs engaging cities and companies to develop tangible targets towards sustainability.
Juan C. Rocha
Juan investigates critical transitions: from regime shifts in ecosystems to collective action in society.