Regime shifts are large, abrupt and persistence critical transitions in the function and structure of (eco)systems
Regime shifts are large, abrupt and persistence critical transitions in the function and structure of (eco)systems
Regime shifts are large, abrupt and persistence critical transitions in the function and structure of (eco)systems
Depends on our ability to observe and measure resilience
Dakos et al. 2012. PLoS ONE; Kéfi et al. 2014. PLoS ONE
Critical speeding up
Titus & Watson 2020 J Theor Ecol
Fractal dimension
West, Geoffrey. 2017. Scale; Gneiting et al. 2012. Statistical Science.
The generic resilience indicators do not necessarily align with critical slowing down or speeding up theories
Rocha, JC. 2022. Ecosystems are showing symptoms of resilience loss. ERL
In the absence of ground truth, if \(\Delta\) is > 95% or < 5% of the distribution is considered a signal of resilience loss
~30% of ecosystem show symptoms of resilience loss, boreal forest and tundra particularly strong signals
~25% of ecosystem show symptoms of resilience loss, Easter Indo-Pacific and Tropical Eastern Pacific Oceans particularly strong signals
Tipping points have impacts on people, who is exposed and who can do something about it?
Places at risk due to drivers or showing symptoms or resilience loss
\(^1\)Frölicher 2018 Nature ; \(^2\)Hobday 2018 Oceanography ; Smith 2023 Ann. Rev., \(^3\)Rocha 2022 ERL
Kroodsma 2018 Science (N = 70k vessels)
Global Fish Watch V2.0 (N = 114k vessels)
Paper: Rocha, J 2022 ERL | Pre-print: