Marine Arctic Resilience Adaptations and Tranformations


Juan C. Rocha
Susa Niiranen, Jean-Sébastien Moore, Kevin Berry
NN, Marianne Falardeau-Côté, NN
Anne-Sophie Crépin, Elena Bennett, Garry Peterson

Funded by the Belmont Forum with the support of NSERC, DAFSHE, FORMAS & NSF

How can Arctic communities respond to these social and ecological challenges?

Will they adapt and continue with their traditional livelihoods, or transform towards new social-ecological configurations?

What strategies can help them build resilience or transform?

Assessing changes in Arctic marine environments and the adaptive and transformative capacities of coastal communities to those changes

Developing resilience assessment tools that are scalable to the Arctic region

1. Modelling the response of marine food webs to climate and fishing pressures

Susa Niiranen

2. Assessing the social-ecological implications of changing marine food webs and fisheries in Nunavut

  • Arctic char changing food preferences and areas
  • Implications of changing food webs for fisheries
  • How can ILK and scientific knowledge inform adaptive co-management?
  • Develop metrics for species resilience to changes in food webs + future scenarios
  • Knowledge co-production with hunters and trapers org, fishers coop, and Inuit Elders

3. Assessing the resilience of salmon dependent communities to climate change and the genetic erosion from hatcheries in Alaska

  • Wild versus domesticated salmon: genetic erosion.
  • Genetic diversity of wild salmon = adaptations to a wide range of conditions
  • Remotness, risk, and profitability = overstocking domestic salmon
  • Bioeconomic models: Theory of second-best and market failures

4. Developing tools for assessing adaptive and transformative capacities of Arctic communities

Communities with higher capacity to self-organise were more likely to remain resilient

4. Developing tools for assessing adaptive and transformative capacities of Arctic communities

  • Empirically:
    • Knowledge sharing [hypothesis]
    • Lit review & QCA N >> 25
    • Social media: reconstruct community networks
    • Network models Assess diversity of livelihoods
  • Theoretically:
    • Models Biological and social diversity, target adaptations from a social evolutionary perspectives.


Tack | Gracias


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Stockholm Resilience Centre
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Juan C. Rocha

Juan investigates critical transitions: from regime shifts in ecosystems to collective action in society.