- Epicentres of human creativity
- Economic growth
- Industry
- Innovations
Bias | Confounding | Counterfactuals
Beyond: social networks
Cases in SES research
Cities are both the problem and solution of many sustainability challenges
The good and the bad scales up
Bettencourt L, Lobo J, Strumsky D.Urban Scaling and Its Deviations: Revealing the Structure of Wealth, Innovation and Crime across Cities. PLoS ONE. 2010.
Discuss in groups (5min)
“…a variable that influences both the dependent variable and independent variable, causing a spurious association.”
Discuss in groups (5min)
“… we may define a cause to be an object, followed by another, and where all objects, similar to the first, are followed by objects similar to the second. Or in other words, where, if the first object had not been, the second never had existed …” — David Hume
Discuss in groups (5min)
Salvador Dalí, The persistence of memory (1931)
Maurits Escher, Relativity (1953)
The world wide web
Bias | Counfunding | Counterfactuals
Beyond: social networks
Cases in SES research
email: juan.rocha@su.se
twitter: @juanrocha
slides: juanrocha.se/presentations/USES_qualitative_methods
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Social networks
“birds of a feather flock together”
Connected cities (Globaia)